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How to use WASEL Pro VPN discount code

23 января 2017 г. 4:30:24

We present to our customers a discount on all the transactions through secure payment processor Blue Snap. In this tutorial, we explain how to use WASEL Pro VPN discount code.

After registering in WASEL Pro and activating your account, login to your profile on waselpro.com and select one of the subscription packages.

When the unpaid invoice appears, click on Blue Snap button.

 You'll be redirected to the check out page.

Insert the coupon in coupon code field then click "Recalculate" button to deduct 20% from the total amount.

Click here to find a detailed description for how to subscribe using Credit Card and PayPal.

Please notice that Coupon Codes is not related to Voucher Code. Voucher Code is the code you get when you buy WASEL Pro VPN service from One Card.